In The Studio

I thought I’d share some current works in progress from my studio. This piece above will be put together in the end as one piece. I’ve been inspired by other artists who work large on multiple panels. Here, I had these small 10×10 inch panels lying around, and I thought I’d use them as a little test run… and that’s my medium setting up in the muffin tins. Working large uses so. much. medium!

This is a pretty crappy photo- taken late in the day with my lights on. But you get the idea. I’m really loving the metallic paints from R&F. So lovely when they are scraped down- this design is done in the german silver color, and it has a lot of variation, like a patina.

On to the next layers!

5 thoughts on “In The Studio

  1. Margaret

    I love what you have done so far. I see the crocheting has found a home. As soon as I saw it in your last post I could imagine what it would look like in your work. I also love the R&F Metallics when they are scraped back. I’m looking forward to seeing this place completed.

  2. Lisa Beerntsen

    Hi Lisa! I was recently tracking back through comments on my blog, re-visited some comments you’d left & clicking over to this site, realized that you were one of the artists in the encaustic show at SRJC, where I teach. Really enjoyed seeing your paintings in person there, and seeing your blog, I can see that we share many of the same inspirations. I look forward to watching your progress. We passed through Half Mooon Bay on a trip recently– what a beautiful area you live in, too.

    1. LisaK Post author

      Hi Lisa, I’m so glad you tripped over my work at SRJC, and found my comments. I’ve long been a fan of your work and your blog, so it’s a real treat to get a comment from you and be able to correspond a bit. I’ve taken some inspiration from the format of your blog- the way that you really try to document your process, show your inspiration, and then in the end we get to see these ethereal, glowing paintings of yours in all of their intricate glory! I hope sometime to see them in person. Best, Lisa K.


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